
Four MoUs between Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education and Italian hospitals for advanced training of Saudi doctors

Luglio 2023
Di Paolo Bozzacchi
Riprese e montaggio a cura di Simone Zivillica

A great training opportunity in Italy for young Saudi doctors. This is the main content of the Memorandums of Understanding signed at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Rome by the Cultural Attaché, Dr. Tahany Abdulaziz M. Al-Baiz representing the Saudi Ministry of Education and the representatives of four major Italian hospitals: the Milan ASST Niguarda Metropolitan Hospitalù, the Milan National Cancers Institute, the Bari “Saverio de Bellis” Gastroenterology Specialized Hospital and the Naples “Federico II” University Hospital Corporation. The signing of the agreements is part of the 2023 Celebrations of 90 years of relations between Saudi Arabia and Italy. Thanks to the MoU, Italian facilities will offer young Saudi doctors high level training.

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